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Dr David Reed

Professor of Practical Theology


Ph.D. Boston University (Systematic Theology)

M.A. Andover Newton Theological School

B.A. Barrington College (magna cum laude)

Diploma New Brunswick Institute of Technology

New Brunswick Vocational Teacher's License

Educational positions and experience

Professor of Practical Theology, Kairos University 2019 -Present

Professor Emeritus of Pastoral Theology and Research Professor 2006-Present

Wycliffe College, University of Toronto, Toronto, ON

Professor of Pastoral Theology and 1987-2006

Director of Field Education (2006-07

Wycliffe College, University of Toronto, Toronto, ON



• In Jesus’ Name: The History and Beliefs of Oneness Pentecostals (DEO Publishers, 2008)

Chapters in edited volumes and Journal Essays

• “Old Themes for a New Day—Evangelical Roots of Oneness Theology,” chapter in Ken

Archer and Dale Coulter, eds., North American Pentecostalism (Leiden: Brill, forthcoming)

• "'There's Power in the Blood': Hidden Heresy in Evangelical Atonement Theology?" chapter

21 in Rob Clements and Dennis Ngien, eds., Between the Lectern and the Pulpit--Essays in

Honour of Victor A. Shepherd (Vancouver: Regent College Publishing, 2014)

• “Then and Now—The Many Faces of Global Oneness Pentecostalism,” chapter 3 in Cecil M.

Robeck, Jr. and Amos Yong, eds., The Cambridge Companion to Pentecostalism, Cambridge Companion to Religions (Cambridge University Press, 2014)

• “Amos Yong’s ‘New’ Pentecostal Theology: Anglican Notes on the Oneness-Trinitarian

Impasse,” chapter 12 in Wolfgang Vondey and Martin W. Mittelstadt, eds. Passion for the Spirit…(Leiden: Brill, 2013)

• “From Bethel Temple to Bethel Church of Indonesia—Missionary Legacy of an Independent

Congregation,” chapter in Michael Wilkinson, ed., Global Pentecostal Movements--Migration,

Mission, and Public Religion, The International Studies in Religion and Society Series (Leiden: Brill, 2012)

• “Let’s Talk about Sex,” chapter in Guide for the Christian Perplexed (Wipf and Stock, 2012)

• “Finished work Controversy,” “Oneness Pentecostalism,” in Handbook of Pentecostal

Christianity, ed., Adam Stewart (DeKalb, IL: Northern Illinois University Press, 2012)

• “Oneness Seed on Canadian Soil: Early Developments of Oneness Pentecostalism,” chapter 9 in Winds from the North—Canadian Contributions to the Pentecostal Movement, eds. Michael Wilkinson and Peter Althouse (Leiden: Brill, 2010)

• “Assessment and Interaction,” chapter 10 in Pentecostalism and Globalization: The Impact of

Globalization on Pentecostal Theology and Ministry, ed. Steven M. Studebaker, McMaster Theological Studies Series 2 (Pickwick Publications, 2010)

• “Denominational Charismatics—Where Have They Gone? A Canadian Anglican Case Study,”

Michael Wilkinson, ed., Pentecostal and Charismatic Christianity in Canada, Religions and

Beliefs Series (in Canadian Pentecostalism: Transition and Transformation, ed., Michael

Wilkinson (McGill-Queen’s University Press, 2009)

• “‘The Gladness of the Gospel’: A Traditional Perspective on Pastoral Care,” Catherine SiderHamilton, ed., The Homosexuality Debate: Faith Seeking Understanding (Toronto: ABC Publishing, 2003)

• “Church of the Lord Jesus Christ of the Apostolic Faith,” Religions of the World: A

Comprehensive Encyclopedia of Beliefs and Practices, 4 vols., 2nd edition, eds., J. Gordon Melton and Martin Baumann (Santa Barbara, CA: ABC-Clio, 2010; 1st ed, 2002)

• “Autochthonous and Multicultural: Beliefs and Boundary-Keeping in the True Jesus Church,” in Asian Journal of Pentecostal Studies 14/1 (January 2011)

• “The Final Report of the Trinitarian-Oneness Dialogue: An Anglican Response,” Pneuma 30 (2008): 263-269

• “Oneness Pentecostalism: Problems and Possibilities for Pentecostal Theology,” Journal of Pentecostal Theology 11 (October 1997): 73-93

• “Apostolic Overcoming Holy Church of God,” “Assemblies of the Lord Jesus Christ,”

“Charles M. Irish,” “Church of the Lord Jesus Christ of the Apostolic Faith,” “Oneness Pentecostalism,” “Pentecostal Assemblies of the World,” in Stanley Burgess and Gary McGee, eds., New International Dictionary of the Pentecostal and Charismatic Movements (Zondervan, 2002; 1st edition, 1988)

• Contributor to Wrestling with God, The Primate’s Theological Commission, Anglican Church of Canada (ABC Publishing, 2001, 2002, 2004):

*Book 1, Longing for God: “God Initiates Revelation,” “The Gospel within Culture,” “Scripture is the Standard”

*Book 2, Turning to God: “Different Views of Sin” (with members), “Some Questions about ‘Sacrifice’ in the liturgy,” “Matrimony,” “Anointing” (with Laverne Jacobs), “Mysticism in the Modern Age,” “The Life of the Spirit” (with members), “Evangelicals and Salvation,”

“Spiritual Healing,” “Mission Today” (with members)

*Book 3, Meeting God: “The Trinity—Why Does It Matter,” “Questions about Evil” (with members), “Meeting God in Jesus Christ” (with members), “Jesus Christ Seen through the Ages” (with Joanne McWilliam and Robert Crouse; Reed, “Reformation Christology” and “Christology of Early Evangelical Anglicans”), “The Divinity of Jesus: By Nature or by Spirit?” “The Scandal of the Cross,” “The Holy Spirit and Christian Devotion,” “Prayer and God’s Unfinished Business,” “The Charismatic Movement,” “Life in the Spirit” (with members), “How Do We Dare Call the Church Holy?” (with members), “New Age, Native, and Charismatic Spiritualities,” “Heaven, Hell, and Unchurched Harry—Evangelicals and Ultimate Salvation”

• “Common Confession—Diverse Praxis: Response to Papers by Stephanie Douglas, ‘Bringing Order to Chaos: The Role of Typologies in the Study of African Christian Movements,’ and Ogbu Kalu, ‘The Practice of Victorious Life: Pentecostal Political

Theology and Practice in Nigeria, 1970-1996,’ Mission: Journal of Mission Studies,

V/2 (Fall 1998): 275-285

• “The Prayer of Travail,” Chris Barrigar and Grant LeMarquand, eds., The True and Living Word: Sermons from the Community of Wycliffe College (ABC Publishing, 1998)

• “From Movement to Institution: A Case Study of Charismatic Renewal in the Anglican Church of Canada,” Summary of Proceedings--Forty-Fifth Annual Conference of the

American Theological Library Association, 19-22 June, 1991, Betty O'Brien, ed. (Evanston, IL: American Theological Library Association, 1991)

• “Origins and Development of the Theology of Oneness Pentecostalism in the United States,” Pneuma 1/1 (Spring 1979): 31-37

• “Aspects of Oneness Pentecostalism,” Vinson Synan, ed., Aspects of PentecostalCharismatic Origins (Plainfield, NJ: Logos Publishers, 1975)

Dr David Reed
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