About Us
Vision & Mission

Kairos Pacific University, a campus of America Evangelical University is a U.S. based private, non-profit, Christian institution of higher learning dedicated to fulfilling the commission of Jesus Christ to spread the gospel among the nations. We are grounded in the authority of the Bible as God’s revelation to us. Through it and by the grace of God, we train and equip men and women who desire to grow in their understanding of Jesus Christ and are called to serve him in the power of the Spirit.

The Mission of Kairos Pacific University is to prepare students for ministries in the church of Jesus Christ, in the marketplace, and in society at large, by equipping them with the knowledge of the Word of God, academic competence, professional skills, and cultural sensitivity.
Faith Statement
God is the one true and living God, perfect in love and righteous in all his ways, one in essence, existing eternally in three persons of the Trinity: Father, Son, and Holy Spirit.
Christ & Salvation.
God has revealed himself supremely and redemptively in Jesus Christ as the Son of God, the incarnate Word of the Father. God has made him known to us by the Holy Spirit in sacred Scripture. He accomplished the salvation of the world through his sinless life, the sufficiency of his death on the cross for human sin, his resurrection from the dead and ascension to heaven, and his return to establish his kingdom forever.
The Holy Spirit.
As Lord and Giver of life, the Holy Spirit fills the Church and reveals Christ to the world through the proclamation of the gospel. He convicts us of sin, persuades us to repent and confess Jesus as Lord. By the same Spirit we are led to trust in divine mercy, whereby we are forgiven all our sins, justified by grace alone through the merit of Christ our Savior, and granted the free gift of eternal life.
Holy Scripture.
The Bible is the Word of God written, and contains all things necessary to salvation, so that whatever is not written therein, nor may be proved thereby, is not to be required to be believed as an article of the Faith or thought necessary for salvation. We believe that all Scripture is given by inspiration of God and is profitable for doctrine, for correction, for instruction in righteousness.
God, by his Word and Spirit creates the one holy catholic and apostolic Church, calling us into the fellowship of Christ’s Body. By the same Word and Spirit, he guides and preserves for eternity that new, redeemed humanity, which, being formed in every culture, is spiritually one with the people of God in all ages.
The Church's Mandate.
The Church is summoned by Christ to offer acceptable worship to God and to serve him by preaching the gospel and making disciples of all nations, by tending the flock through the ministry of the word and sacraments and through daily pastoral care, by striving for social justice, and by relieving human distress and need.
Human Beings.
The creation of the universe and all living things is a direct act of God, and human beings in particular are made in the image of God. Through sin, all humanity has come under the curse of corruption and death, and made incapable of achieving salvation apart from the saving grace of Jesus Christ. Salvation is possible only by grace through faith in Jesus Christ as Savior and Lord.
The Second Coming.
God’s redemptive purpose will be completed by the return of Christ to raise the dead, and to judge all people according to their deeds, some to separation from God’s nearer presence and the redeemed to eternal fellowship with God. The glorious kingdom of God will then be consummated, the eager expectation of the creation will be fulfilled, and the whole earth shall proclaim the glory of God who makes all things new.

Kairos Pacific University of California is committed to excellence in preparing Christian leaders, and has set before itself the following aims ......
Educational Philosophy
To equip men and women who, as servants of Christ, are disciplined in mind, committed to higher learning, and compassionate toward the needs of the world.
​To strive for competence and excellence in study and research.
To strengthen the ministry of the Word of God through professional development, spiritual formation, and the dynamics of pastoral ministry.
To sharpen the sense of the divine call upon our lives.
To embrace the diversity of ecclesiastical life and personal backgrounds which enrich the spiritual fellowship of the Church of Jesus Christ.
Bible-centered Curriculum
The study of Scripture is a central characteristic of the curriculum. Besides biblical courses, Scripture is integrated in other disciplines as the primary authority.
Academic and Practical
Kairos Pacific University is distinguished for its emphasis upon preparing men and women for ministry in today’s world. Our faculty members are academically qualified and experienced in various areas of Christian ministry; many have taught overseas. Our programs balance academic knowledge with practical application to prepare students for effective service in Christ’s name.
Affordable Education
Kairos Pacific University is committed to providing affordable education without compromise in the quality of instruction.