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Associate of Arts in Leadership Studies (early childhood education concentration)
Holding a Book

The Associate of Arts in Leadership Studies is designed to equip students for pastoral ministry and leadership within a local church setting, a non-profit organization, or a mission organization. This program is a concise, well-balanced shorter program in biblical and leadership studies for students who may not be able to commit to a more extensive program.


The AALS program provides students with significant knowledge of the Bible, a sound interpretive approach to the Scriptures, and a biblically-based theology. It equips them with an insightful understanding of biblical leadership and with the skills to serve effectively in a variety of capacities in the power of the Holy Spirit. The training and leadership skills gained in this program will equip students to minister to people in the local church setting or also in the marketplace.

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Early Childhood Education Concentration

The Early Childhood Education program is designed to provide foundational skills and knowledge for individuals aspiring to work with children from birth to age eight. This critical developmental period lays the groundwork for lifelong learning and socialization, making quality early childhood education essential. Our program emphasizes a play-based, developmentally appropriate curriculum that fosters cognitive, social, emotional, and physical growth.

Goals & Objectives 

- To equip educators with the understanding of child development theories and practices.
- To promote the importance of nurturing and safe learning environments that support all aspects of a child's growth.
- To instill effective teaching strategies that incorporate play, hands-on activities, and community involvement.
- To prepare educators to recognize and support the diverse needs of children and their families.
- To develop partnership skills with parents, caregivers, and community resources to enhance the educational experience.

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Terry D. Roseborough

Director of Early Child Education

Terry Roseborough brings a wealth of dedication and experience to her role, specializing in supporting children with academic and behavioral challenges. With a strong background in behavior intervention, Terry excels in teamwork, leadership, and effective communication. Passionate about ongoing professional growth, she is committed to advancing the field of Childhood Development and fostering the development of fellow educators.




The course descriptions for the courses listed below may be found in the Academic Catalog.

Biblical/Theological Studies 15 Credits
BS 101 Bible Panorama (or, BS 104, NT Survey)
BS 102 Biblical Interpretation
BS 103 Old Testament Survey
BS 104 New Testament Survey
TH 211 Theological Foundations:
The Doctrines of God and Scripture
TH 313 Theological Foundations:
The Doctrines of Christ and Salvation

Ministry & Leadership Courses 12 Credits
Students may request to substitute a Pastoral Ministry
course for one of the following courses.
PT 101 Inner Healing and Prayer
PT 102 Essentials of Spiritual Formation*
PT 103 Communion with God*
*Students will normally take either PT 102 or PT 103.
PT 219 Evangelism and Discipleship
PT 245 Fundamentals of Christian Leadership**
PT 301 Organizational Leadership**
**Students will normally take either PT 245 or PT 301.
PT 345 Foundations of Preaching
CC 406 Holistic Healing and Spirituality

General Education 15 Credits
HS 325 Western History I (required)
GE 101 English Composition*
GE 104 Introduction to Sociology (required)
GE 221 Academic Writing*
GE 242 Health Studies (required)
* Students must take either GE 101 or GE 221;
students may take both. Students who take only one
of those two courses will take one of the following:
GE 216 Ethics and Worldview
GE 310 Digital Literacy Essentials


Internships 3 Credits, or 6 Credits
ï‚· Students who have little or no ministry experience
need to take at least one internship course.
ï‚· They may choose to take a second internship course
in place of a Ministry & Leadership course.
ï‚· Students who have years of ministry experience do
not need to take an internship, and may take a different
course instead.
PM 301 Internship #1 (required)
PM 302 Internship #2 (optional)

Early Childhood Education Concentration
15 Credits (choose 5 courses)

ECE 101 Introduction to Early Child Development
ECE 102 Early Childhood Education Curriculum and
ECE 103 Child Psychology
ECE 104 Observation and Assessment in Early
Childhood Education
ECE 201 Family and Community Engagement in Early
Childhood Education
ECE 202 Early Literacy and Language Development
ECE 203 Health, Safety, and Nutrition in Early Childhood
ECE 204 Foundations of Teaching for Learning: Planning
for Teaching and Learning

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