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Associate of Arts in Leadership Studies (Counseling concentration)

The Associate of Arts in Leadership Studies (AALS) is a two-year program designed to equip students to serve as effective Christian leaders in a variety of capacities, especially in Christian ministry. The AALS is a concise, well-balanced program in biblical and leadership studies ideal for students who may not be able to commit to a longer program.


It offers three concentration options: Pastoral Ministry, Christian Counseling, and Worship, Media & Creative Arts. All three have a core of Bible and theology courses, because Christian leadership involves not only having practical leadership skills, but also the biblical & theological knowledge necessary to live and to lead as a Christian.


Christian Counseling Concentration:

The Christian Counseling concentration of the AALS prepares students with the training and skills to provide effective biblical and spiritual counsel, and especially to function as a valuable member of a church ministry team. The counseling courses are built upon a foundation of Bible, theology, and leadership courses that give the student a well-rounded foundation to serve in Christian ministry or in other capacities in the community.





The course descriptions for the courses listed below may be found in the Academic Catalog.

Biblical/Theological Studies 15 Credits
BS 101 Bible Panorama (or, BS 104, NT Survey)
BS 102 Biblical Interpretation
BS 103 Old Testament Survey
BS 104 New Testament Survey
TH 211 Theological Foundations:
The Doctrines of God and Scripture
TH 313 Theological Foundations:
The Doctrines of Christ and Salvation

Ministry & Leadership Courses 12 Credits
Students may request to substitute a Pastoral Ministry
course for one of the following courses.
PT 101 Inner Healing and Prayer
PT 102 Essentials of Spiritual Formation*
PT 103 Communion with God*
*Students will normally take either PT 102 or PT 103.
PT 219 Evangelism and Discipleship
PT 245 Fundamentals of Christian Leadership**
PT 301 Organizational Leadership**
**Students will normally take either PT 245 or PT 301.
PT 345 Foundations of Preaching
CC 406 Holistic Healing and Spirituality

General Education 15 Credits
HS 325 Western History I (required)
GE 101 English Composition*
GE 104 Introduction to Sociology (required)
GE 221 Academic Writing*
GE 242 Health Studies (required)
* Students must take either GE 101 or GE 221;
students may take both. Students who take only one
of those two courses will take one of the following:
GE 216 Ethics and Worldview
GE 310 Digital Literacy Essentials


Internships 3 Credits, or 6 Credits
ï‚· Students who have little or no ministry experience
need to take at least one internship course.
ï‚· They may choose to take a second internship course
in place of a Ministry & Leadership course.
ï‚· Students who have years of ministry experience do
not need to take an internship, and may take a different
course instead.
PM 301 Internship #1 (required)
PM 302 Internship #2 (optional)

Christian Counseling Concentration
15 Credits (choose 5 courses)

CC 301 Life Development & Change
CC 302 Marriage & Family Counseling
CC 303 Models of Counseling & Practice
CC 304 Child and Adolescent Counseling
CC 305 Anxiety, Crisis & Trauma Counseling
CC 406 Holistic Healing and Spirituality
CC 407 Creative Drama Therapy
CC 408 Drama Therapy and Identity
CC 409 Difference Counseling
CC 410 God-shaped Brain and Heart
CC 411 Transformation with Addictive Populations

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