Master of Arts in Ministry Leadership

The Master of Arts in Ministry Leadership (MAML) is designed for persons preparing for Christian ministry, with a particular view towards persons who wish to minister in cross-cultural or multicultural environments. The program is suitable for persons seeking academic preparation for service as missionaries, cross-cultural workers, pastors, teachers, and researchers.
The MAML has two tracks. The Missions/ICS Emphasis track has a core of missions and ICS courses, coupled with a Bible & theology core, as well as courses in leadership or practical ministry skills which complement the direct missions/ICS courses.
The MAML also offers a Ministry & Leadership Track, with the same Bible & theology core, and then relatively more courses in leadership and practical ministry skills. The MAML program requires a minimum of 40 semester credits, which may be completed in two academic years. As many as ten semester units of graduate work (25% of the program) may be transferred in from another school.

Associate of Arts in Leadership Studies (Pastoral Ministry concentration)
Bachelor of Arts in Leadership Studies (Pastoral Ministry concentration)
Ph.D. in Organizational and Global Leadership with Missional Church Leadership
Ph.D. in Organizational and Global Leadership with Coaching and Mentoring
Master of Arts in Ministry Leadership
Associate of Arts in Leadership Studies (Worship, Media & Creative Arts concentration)
Bachelor of Arts in Leadership Studies (Worship, Media & Creative Arts concentration)
The course descriptions for the courses listed below may be found in the Academic Catalog.
Bible & Theology Core 21 Credits
Four Bible Courses:
If students have not taken the following three Bible courses, they must take them. After that, they may take one of the other three Bible courses listed below (BS 515, BS 604, or BS 627).
BS 502 Hermeneutics
BS 503 Introduction to the OT
BS 504 Introduction to the NT
Students who have taken or satisfied the three Bible courses above will take the following three Bible courses, and then may choose one additional course from either of the Limited Electives below.
BS 515 Pentateuch
BS 604 The Gospels & the Life of Christ
BS 627 Pauline & General Epistles
Limited Elective - Choose one (or two) of the following church history courses:
CH 525 History of Christianity I
CH 526 History of Christianity II
Limited Electives - Choose two (or three) of the following theology courses:
TH 511 Revelation, and Theology Proper
TH 513 Soteriology and Christology
TH 522 The Person & Work of the Holy Spirit
TH 527 Philosophy and Christian Theology
MAML students will choose one of the following four concentrations / tracks:
Missions / ICS Emphasis Track 19 Credits
Choose five of the following six courses.
MS 519 Evangelism & Mission in the Postmodern Era
MS 556 Church Planting & Growth
MS 599 World Religion and Missions
MS 637 Power Encounters in Missions & Evangelism
PT 510 Online Ministry Essentials
PM 501 Practicum/Internship I (one credit)(req.)
Electives - Choose two of the following courses:
OLMA 501 Foundations of Organizational Leadership
PT 501 Pastoral Ministry
PT 503 Homiletics (expository preaching)
PT 545 Christian Leadership
PT 606 Holistic Ministry, and Spirituality
Biblical Studies Track 19 Credits
Students in the Biblical Studies track who are given credit for their internship, or who take PM 501 (for one credit), will take five of the following courses. Students who take PM 502 and 503 (four credits total) will take four of the following courses:
BS 501 The Authority of the Bible
**BS 501 is required for students in the Kairos University Branch.
BS 515 Pentateuch
BS 604 The Gospels & the Life of Christ
BS 627 Pauline & General Epistles
BS 612 OT Historical Books
("Monotheistic Israel in the Pagan ANE")
BS 614 OT Major Prophets
BS 617 The Book of Acts, the Earliest Church
BS 619 OT Wisdom Literature
BS 631 Selected NT Book(s), in Depth
TH 644 Apologetics: The Defense of the Faith
TH 5xx A third theology course;
Elective - Choose one of the following courses:
PT 503 Homiletics (expository preaching)
PT 510 Online Ministry Essentials
PT 545 Christian Leadership
Practicum / Internship: from 1 to 4 credits**
PM 501 Practicum/Internship (one credit)
PM 502 Practicum/Internship (two credits)
PM 503 Practicum/Internship (two credits)