Master of Divinity

The Master of Divinity (MDiv) program is designed to equip students with skills that will help them integrate biblical and theological reflection with hands-on ministry experience to become servant leaders in local church settings, in parachurch organizations, as well as in the mission field. The program also prepares students for innovative leadership, redemptive engagement, and transformational service, and trains them to work alongside the contemporary challenges in a changing, diverse, technological world.

​The M.Div. Program introduces students to ALL 66 books of the Bible as God's revelation to us. It prepares students theologically and practically for ministry. And it highlights the missiological emphasis of Scripture, the call to proclaim the gospel, that climaxes in the New Testament.
Based on a solid biblical foundation, the program encourages students to be creative in the way that they communicate the unchanging Gospel to the variety of people and cultures in their congregations—professionals, laborers, academics, artists, parachurch workers, and others. The program fosters learning in a vibrant community of fellow believers, in which our students are mentored and supported as they pursue their vocation.
All MDiv students (both pastoral ministry and counseling students) are required to complete the MDiv Internship, comprised of field experience that grants 6 to12 academic credit hours. The M.Div. internship is considered the capstone experience of the program. Internships involve goal setting and evaluation of goal accomplishment, mentoring sessions, and participation in “Internship Clusters” for small group reflection with other students. In their internship, students put into practice the doctrines and ideas they have been learning, and hone and refine their skills for serving the kingdom.
Pastoral Ministry Concentration
This concentration prepares students for a wide range of skilled, biblically based pastoral ministry, as well as for leadership in the local church and beyond. It can also be the foundation for further academic work.
Christian Counseling Concentration
The M.Div. in Christian Counseling degree program is designed to prepare students for a ministry of Christian counseling to individuals, couples, and families in a congregational, denominational agency, counseling center, or mission setting.
Chaplaincy program Concentration
The M.Div. in Chaplaincy concentration program is designed to prepare students for a ministry of Licensed Christian Chaplaincy. ministering to individuals, couples, and families in a denominational agency, hospitals, hospices, public organizations, counseling center, or mission setting.
MDiv Program - 24 courses / 72 Credits[Units] Total

Christian Counseling
MDiv Main Program Segments:
Biblical / Theological Studies - 10 courses / 30 units
Concentration (Pastoral Ministries or Christian Counseling) - 6 to 8 courses / 18-24 units
Electives - 4 courses / 12 units
Practicum/Internship - from 2 to 4 courses / 6-12 units
Associate of Arts in Leadership Studies (Pastoral Ministry concentration)
Bachelor of Arts in Leadership Studies (Pastoral Ministry concentration)
Ph.D. in Organizational and Global Leadership with Missional Church Leadership
Ph.D. in Organizational and Global Leadership with Coaching and Mentoring
Master of Arts in Ministry Leadership
Associate of Arts in Leadership Studies (Worship, Media & Creative Arts concentration)
Bachelor of Arts in Leadership Studies (Worship, Media & Creative Arts concentration)
The course descriptions for the courses listed below may be found in the Academic Catalog.
Biblical/Theological Studies Core - 30 Credits
BS 502 Hermeneutics
BS 503 Introduction to the OT
BS 504 Introduction to the NT
BS 515 Pentateuch, Foundation of the Bible
BS 604 The Gospels & the Life of Jesus
BS 617 The Book of Acts, the Earliest Church
BS 627 Pauline and General Epistles
TH 511 Revelation, and Theology Proper
TH 513 Soteriology and Christology
CH 525 History of Christianity I: From the Apostles to the Late Middle Ages
Elective Bible & Theology Courses - 12 Credits (choose fourcourses)
GBL 519 Biblical Greek **
GBL 529 Biblical Hebrew **
**For students who wish to take Greek or Hebrew,
we will make arrangements with qualified local faculty.
BS 501 The Authority of the Bible
BS 612 Monotheistic Israel in the Pagan ANE
(with emphasis on the OT Historical Books)
BS 614 OT Major Prophets
BS 619 OT Wisdom Literature
BS 631 Selected NT Book(s), in Depth
CH 526 History of Christianity II: From the Reformation until Today
TH 527 Philosophy and Christian Theology
TH 609 Issues in Theology, and Theological Debate
CE 607 Christian Education
Practicum 6-12 Credits
PM 601 I Practicum Internship (required)
PM 602 II Practicum Internship (required)
PM 603 III Practicum Internship (optional)
PM 604 IV Practicum Internship (optional)
Pastoral Ministry Concentration 18 - 24 Credits
TH 522 The Person and Work of Holy Spirit
TH 644 Apologetics: The Defense of the Faith
PT 501 Pastoral Ministry
PT 502 Spiritual Formation & Development
PT 503 Homiletics
PT 504 Church Administration
PT 505 Theology and Practice of Worship
PT 510 Online Ministry Essentials / Digital Literacy
PT 545 Christian Leadership
PT 556 Church Planting & Growth
PT 602 Preaching Practicum
PT 606 Holistic Ministry, and Spirituality
MS 513 Missiology
MS 519 Evangelism and Mission in the Postmodern Era
MS 599 World Religions and Mission
Counseling Concentration 18 - 24 Credits
MC 501 Marriage and Family Counseling
MC 502 Child and Adolescent Counseling
MC 503 Christian Counseling & Addiction
MC 504 Crisis and Trauma Counseling in Community Mental Health
MC 505 Counseling and Holistic Healing: Body, Mind, and Spirit
MC 506 Christian Spiritual Formation; Integrative Holistic Theology
MC 507 Advanced Lifespan Development
MC 508 Counseling and the God Shaped Heart and Brain
MC 509 Inner Healing
MC 510 Christian Counseling & Personality Disorders
MC 511 Drama Therapy & Christian Counseling
MC 512 Transformational Counseling through story, Drama, Dance, Music,and Art
MC 605 Difference Education and Counseling
MC 608 Neuro - Linguistic Psychology
MC 609 Positive Psychology
MC 610 Quantum Medicine and Transpersonal Psychology
The course descriptions for the courses listed below may be found in the Academic Catalog.
Biblical/Theological Studies Core - 30 Credits
BS 502 Hermeneutics
BS 503 OT Introduction
BS 504 NT Introduction
BS 515 Pentateuch, Foundation of the Bible
BS 604 The Gospels & the Life of Jesus
BS 617 The Book of Acts, the Earliest Church
BS 627 NT Epistles
TH 511 Revelation, and Theology Proper
TH 513 Soteriology and Christology
CH 525 History of Christianity I: From the Apostles to the Late Middle Ages
Elective Bible & Theology Courses - 12 Credits (students will take four of the following courses)
BS 612 Monotheistic Israel in the Pagan ANE
(with emphasis on the OT Historical Books)
BS 614 OT Major Prophets
BS 619 OT Wisdom Literature
BS 635 The Book of Revelation
CH 526 History of Christianity II: From the Reformation until Today
TH 516 Ethics, Philosophy, & Worldview
TH 609 Issues in Theology, and Theological Debate
CE 607 Christian Education
Practicum 6-12 Credits
PM 601 I Practicum Internship (required)
PM 602 II Practicum Internship (required)
PM 603 III Practicum Internship (optional)
PM 604 IV Practicum Internship (optional)
Internship/Clinical Pastoral Education (CPE),
12 credits
Students in the Chaplaincy Concentration will not take KU's regular MDiv internship courses, but will satisfy their internship requirement with a Chaplaincy CPE unit.
One Chaplaincy CPE unit is the equivalent of four regular internship courses (12 credits).
A CPE unit will have both classroom instruction and supervised clinical experience. It will have approximately 100 hours of classroom / cohort time, and approximately 300 hours in clinical visits. One completed CPE Unit will qualify students to serve in many areas of chaplaincy. However, the highest level of Chaplaincy qualification (a board-certified chaplain) requires four CPE units. One CPE unit will commonly open the doors for a residency program.
Kairos University and the Chaplaincy Program Director will help chaplaincy students find CPE opportunities.
Chaplaincy Concentration
7 required courses/ 21 credits
CP 501 Introduction to Chaplaincy
CP 502 Ministry of Comfort, Hope and Healing
CP 503 Let's Get Clinical
CP 504 Self-Awareness Education
CP 605 The Wounded Healer Principle in Chaplaincy
CP 606 The Calling and Mission of Chaplaincy
CP 607 The Cross Prayer Model
As mentioned under "Internship/Clinical Pastoral Education" in the left-hand column, the Chaplaincy Concentration requires at least one CPE unit above and beyond the 21 credits of coursework in the Chaplaincy concentration.
A Chaplaincy MDiv will not be awarded until at least one CPE unit is completed.

The course curriculum develops students' core competencies for success in ministry and leadership. Possible careers include:
Ministry leadership (youth pastor, small group leader, Bible teacher, etc.)
Christian non-profit Organizations
Christian education
Program Learning Outcomes
Students will demonstrate an advanced understanding of the Bible from historical, literary, and theological perspectives.
Students will demonstrate an advanced understanding of Christian theology from the perspective of the Korean Evangelical tradition.
Students will regularly engage in spiritual practices and demonstrate a biblical lifestyle.
Students will regularly engage in evangelism and ministry in diverse settings.
Students will demonstrate cultural awareness and cross-cultural competence.
Students will demonstrate competence in the area of their concentration: pastoral ministry & leadership, or, counseling.