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Ph.D. in Organizational and Global Leadership with Coaching and Mentoring
   |    40 CREDITS[UNITS]

The Ph.D. in Organizational and Global Leadership emphasizes leadership, assessment, skill development, communication, trust, performance improvement, and cultural understanding from a Christian perspective. Students will learn how to conduct coaching and mentoring for management and executive leaders so that performance goals are obtained and organizations can thrive in the diverse contexts of the contemporary postmodern world. The students enrolled in the program will be prepared to lead organizations in the contemporary postmodern world and will provide transformational leadership, coaching, and mentoring.


Students will demonstrate a thorough understanding in essential areas of organizational leadership. Additionally, they will gain necessary competencies through successful completion of all program courses. The successful completion of a doctoral dissertation will demonstrate a student's comprehensive research and findings.



This program will include proven practices of individual and team growth and development


Be the leader who develops leaders. Get prepared for practical application in developing leaders


Be the leader who develops leaders. Get prepared for practical application in developing leaders




The course descriptions for the courses listed below may be found in the Academic Catalog.

Program Overview

Course Descriptions for the Courses taken in Year 1


OLDR 9101 Introduction to Online Learning, Research Design and Analysis (2 Units) In this program foundational course, students learn research methods and online learning tools. Research is vital for this program. Understanding the learning management system as well as research strategies and sources are foundational in this course.


OLDR 9201 Organizational Leadership (3 Units) Students will learn leadership and management theories. The evolution of leadership and management concepts will be explored. Students will hone leadership and management skills so that measurable impact can be made throughout various organizational contexts.


OLDR 9202 Strategic Leadership & Management of Global Change (3 Units) In this course, students will focus on leadership decision making. Analysis, implementation, and assessment methods for the purposes of strategic planning and organizational change. Students will learn about organizational performance, cultural competency, and change theory.


OLDR 9901 Dissertation I: Research Topic Identification and Problem Statement Development (2 Units) In this course students will identify a research topic. Students will then create a problem statement. This problem statement will guide their research. The problem statement will be clear, concise and practical. Students will begin to collect and disseminate sources towards the aim of dissertation completion.


OLDR 9203 Organizational Behavior, Theory, and Design (3 Units) Students will gain a comprehensive view of organizational theory and design. Topics will include various leadership styles, workflow designs, human behaviors, motivation, and personality traits.


OLDR 9204 Research Methodology: Qualitative, Quantitative and Mixed Methods (3 Units) In this course, students will learn about research methodology, data collection, and statistical analysis. Qualitative, quantitative, and the mixed methods (the combination of qualitative and quantitative) will be explored. The respective concepts for each method will be reviewed, including introductions to the accompanying research instruments (i.e. software) required to conduct each research methodology.


OLDR 9902 Dissertation II: Literature Review (2 Units) In this course students will conduct an extensive literature review and begin to revise and edit their proposal for their dissertation. Students will present findings, will work closely with their professor, and writing experts. Additionally, students will complete a first draft of their literature review chapter and begin the recruitment phase for their dissertation committees.


Course Descriptions for the Courses taken in Year 2


OLDR 9301 Best Practices of Effective Leaders (3 units) This course examines best practices of exemplary leaders. The focus of the course will be on actions and behaviors of proven effective leaders. The fundamentals of outstanding leadership will be explored in detail. This course will provide students guidance regarding their leadership style and aid them in maximizing their leadership potential.


OLDR 9302 Coaching and Mentoring Strategies and Skills (3 units) The course focuses on developing vision, perspectives, tools and commitments to ensure strategic and theologically guided ministry in a contextualized coaching/mentoring ministry. This course designs a system for coaching (individuals and small groups) and mentoring to facilitate leadership development and enhance individual and group performance. This course design is structured to foster student’s discovery, observation, experiences, experimentation and the adoption of current processes, strategies, and skills for real world coaching and mentoring application.


OLDR 9903 Dissertation III: Prospectus (2 Units) In this course students will build on the work done in OLDR 9902 and will complete the first draft of their dissertation proposal. Students will work closely with their assigned advisors and committee members to produce their papers.


OLDR 9303 Professional Development and Mentoring (3 units) The course engages in the examination of mentor behavior and skills focused on mentee development through observation, research and field experience practice. It provides the educational setting that focuses on high-quality learning experiences, coaching and feedback. Using collaborative teaching and learning strategies, it also emphasizes on developing a range of mentoring practices to correspond with adult learning theories, including performance problems specific to the needs of a mentee.


OLDR 9304 Personal and Executive Coaching (3 units) This course introduces students to principles and techniques, ethical and legal concerns, coaching techniques and models, regarding the role of personal and executive coaching. Overall, this course focuses on building a coaching strategy and business plan to help organizations create a culture for coaching and leadership development.


OLDR 9904 Dissertation IV: Proposal Writing and Oral Defense (2 Units) In this course students will complete and successfully defend doctoral dissertation proposals through an oral defense.


Course Descriptions for the Courses taken in Year 3


OLDR 9905 Dissertation Writing (3 Units) In this course candidates will complete the writing of their doctoral dissertations.


OLDR 9906 Dissertation Defense & Final Dissertation (3 Units) In this course candidates will defend their dissertations. In addition, students will post their finalized dissertation for public access.

The course curriculum develops students' core competencies for success in ministry and leadership. Possible careers include:

Executive Directors in non-profit Organizations

Executive Directors in Mission Organizations

Directors in denominations Senior pastor / preaching pastor positions

Significant leadership positions & staff supervision in a large church / mega-church

Leadership positions in a large Christian ministry / non-profit organization

Ministry leadership (associate pastor, director of church ministries, etc.)



Church Planters

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